淺談無鹵阻燃高分子材料 HFFR


  1. 燃料 : 高分子及其分解物,加工油,蠟等
  2. 熱 : 高溫或火源
  3. 氧氣 : 助燃劑

所以談阻燃,其策略就是從以上三項燃燒三要素下手 !





2.降熱 : 水是很好的降溫劑,所以一些無機金屬氧化物之水合物,如氫氧化鋁(ATH),氫氧化鎂(MDH)及nano Clay等



(2)阻燃劑產生不燃氣體,如CO2,N2等,藉以降低氧氣濃度! 如氮系阻燃劑等



2012-09-07 more
防彈纖維(para-aramid ;全芳香族聚醯胺纖維;芳綸)簡介

說在前頭,我公司代理的是Teijin Aramid 之Twaron產品!! 

     1960年代中期,杜邦公司的研究科學家開始研究芳香族聚醯胺,日後並演變成研發PPTA全芳香族聚醯胺纖維的生產。到了1970年代,杜邦公司對於該項產品的研發及生產已居業界領先地位,杜邦公司在1973年開始以Kevlar商標大量生產,到目前為止,杜邦是美國唯一生產該項產品的生產商。 在杜邦公司開始研發此產品之後,Akzo N.V. (Azko)這家荷蘭的生產商也開始研發全芳香族聚醯胺纖維,並且設立了一家試驗工廠進行生產。1983年,Akzo全資子公司Enka B.V. (Enka),與荷蘭公營開發公司N.V. Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappi (NOM)簽定合約,同意合資生產全芳香族聚醯胺纖維,並用於商業用途。這個合資企業Aramide Maatschappij V.O.F. (Aramide)在1987年以TwaronÒ的註冊商標開始大量生產全芳香族聚醯胺纖維,在1988年開始將該項產品年進美國。 1980年代杜邦和Akzo不停的打全芳香族聚醯胺纖維專利戰。雖然杜邦公司擁有全芳香族聚醯胺纖維的基本專利,但是杜邦公司在開始製造時所用的溶劑在實驗室化驗之後發現有致命性。後來杜邦便改用另一種溶劑,但是該溶劑使用於芳香纖維的專利卻在Akzo手上。杜邦堅決主張Akzo的專利無效,因為是杜邦製造芳香纖維在前。杜邦同時也提出Akzo的紡紗過程侵害到杜邦基本專利。 這場世界專利戰最後在1988年5月10日停火,杜邦公司和Akzo簽訂一項協定。這項協定准許Akzo的TwaronÒ產品從1988年5月到1992年3月這段期間,可以限量輸往美國市場,以交換付給Akzo的專利費。  

在西元2000年荷蘭Akzo集團宣布與日本帝人公司達成協議,將Twaron賣給帝人公司,生產廠在荷蘭,年產大約11000噸聚醯胺纖維和紗線。Twaron生產的對位聚醯胺纖維可用於各種市場領域,包括防護服裝、防彈背心和盔甲、輪胎、管件、複合材料、傳送帶、光纖纜繩、傳動帶、墊圈、刹車摩擦片和傳動器飾面。利用TwaronÒ纖維做成的剎車器,其壽命及效果都較石綿(Asbesto)為佳,為少數可用來做為強化的纖維(Reinforcing fiber),可取代石綿,而提供更好的強度及使用壽命(Durability)。TwaronÒ纖維由於其優良的強度/重量比(Strength to weight ratio),使得它可用來做為汽車車體,而能在不降低強度的情況下,可大幅降低車體重量。  



2012-09-06 more




Gasoline degradation is an expensive problem for refiners, marketers, customers:

Gasoline degradation is caused by oxidation, polymerization and condensation reactions, resulting in GUMS, high-molecular weight, insoluble compounds. This degradation can occur in all types of gasoline components but likely more in LCC* and HCC** naphthas which make up the bulk of unleaded gasoline; most oxygenates used as octane boosters increase the tendency for degradation. 

To refiners,  

gasoline degradation  means off-specification product and expensive re-running and re-mixing to produce gasoline to specification. 

To marketers,  

gums result in frequent service-calls, front-page news and poor customer acceptance. A lower quality product handicaps distributors in a highly competitive market. 

To car users,  

carburetor or injection needles deposits result in rough idling or stalling, meaning increased fuel consumption and increased exhaust emissions; intake system deposits meaning reduced p ower, impaired drive ability and eventual failure; combustion chamber deposits result in ORI*** increased hydrocarbon emissions and abnormal combustion.

 LCC*     : Light Catalytic Cracked 

HCC**   : Heavy Catalytic Cracked 

ORI***   : Octane Requirement Increase 

Flexsys Santoflex antioxidant protects the quality of your    gasolines:  

Santoflex 44PD is an AMINE-based antioxidant and is very efficient particularly for gasolines with high OLEFINS content.

             Santoflex 44PD offers the advantage to sweeten the sour, corrosive mercaptans by oxidizing them to odorless, harmless disulfides. 

Why are amine-antioxidant preferred rather than a hindered phenol in actual, commercial gasolines? 

 Unleaded gasolines imply the use of alternative octane boosters such as methanol, ethanol, MTBE, TAME, ETBE ...

Catalytic cracked, olefin-rich gasolines in which formation of free radicals and peroxyradicals takes place readily, tend to form degradation products in any way, but in presence of oxygenates this tendency is greatly enhanced requiring compatible antioxidants of a well defined chemical structure such as Santoflex 44PD.

When the olefin content increases, Santoflex 44PD is much more efficient than the classical hindered phenols like BHT.

In the US and in Japan amines are mostly used for gasoline stabilization; in Western Europe amines-use goes hand in hand with catalytical cracked, unleaded gasoline.

2012-09-05 more